Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween: Part 1

We have sure had a lot of Halloween activities in the past few days. On Thursday our playgroup had a Halloween themed play date at our friend Alice's house. She got all Martha Stewart on us and made sand-witches, blood orange mimosas as well as other fun foodies and sweets.


Blood orange mimosa and sweet treat

After the play date, my mom and I took Kennedy to Buy Buy Baby to pick up a few essentials. They have kiddie shopping carts at the entrance and there was no getting around not letting Kennedy push one. Did she love it? Yep, with all her little heart and she loved following me around the store. Spoiler alert: we now own said kiddie shopping cart.

Little shopper in training. 

Greg's office had a halloween party on Friday so my mom and I took Kennedy by to say hello. Its a super modern building with lots of concrete and stairs. My worst nightmare. Kennedy's dream come true. She ran all over the place and it took me, my mom, Greg and a couple of his co-workers to keep tabs on her. She did sit still (strawberry cupcake bribery not pictured) for a few pictures with her little sock monkey friend, Jake.

Minnie and the Sock Monkey

Minnie and Daddy

Greg and I got to sneak away to Austin on Saturday night while Kennedy stayed with my mom. More on that later, but we got back in time this afternoon to meet up with some friends at a neighborhood halloween parade. Kennedy and her friend Emily ran from yard to yard and loved looking at all the other kids in their costumes.


Tonight we let our little bugs play in the front yard. And by play I mean we bribed them (both) with Goldfish so I could take pictures. I'm not going to say it was an all out success, but I did manage to get a few pics of the two of them.

Tomorrow we have a party at Southwest Airlines on our agenda and I can't wait to put Kennedy in her little flight attendant uniform.

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