Friday, December 24, 2010

Ba Ba Ba

We made it to ABQ and had the most eventful plane ride yet. Normally, Kennedy has a bottle at takeoff and sleeps through the flight and Olive falls asleep or sits quietly in her travel bag until we land. Spoiler alert: Kennedy cried and Olive barked. There happened to be another dog 2 rows away, and not being a seasoned traveler like Olive, proceeded to bark incessantly. Olive just couldn't resist and the two dogs barked and barked at each other. Thankfully we hadn't snuck Olive on the plane as we had intended to do, because the jig was up before we even left the ground. Kennedy was a little antsy and fussy at take off, which added to the stress of the dog situation, but was a little sweetie the rest of the flight.

Kennedy and I went to Sam and Kaylie's house in the afternoon for a little gift exchange with some of our friends. Kaylie and Kennedy are only 4 days apart and were very interested in each others choice of hair accessories.

Kaylie and Kennedy decked out in their holiday attire and animal print shoes.

Kennedy was pretty chatty at Sam's house but it was more humming than it was talking. At some point in the evening she figured out how to make more noises and started mimicking the sounds we were making, "da-da-da-ba-ba-ba." She won't do it when the camera is present, but I was able to sneak a quick video of her.

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