Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Great Ice Storm of 2013

A couple weeks back, Dallas was hit with some winter weather in the form of a massive ice storm. The entire city pretty much shut down. I have learned that people here freak out when a cold front moves in. Anytime the weather drops below 60 degrees, you see people bundled in their North Face from head to toe to go to Whole Foods. I'll admit, I too have become a bit of a cold weather wimp since moving here. But I had never seen anything like the ice we had a few weeks ago.

Everything was literally coated in ice. We were fortunate to not lose power and Greg was home from work. So we spent the time watching Christmas movies, eating comfort foods, decorating the house and relaxing indoors. And eating. And baking. And more eating. Did I mention we ate a lot? We did bundle up and venture out in the front to check things out, but since it was solid ice, the novelty of it all wore off quickly.

On Saturday, it was just warm enough for the roads to clear up a bit in the afternoon. Kennedy and I ventured out to see Frozen, how appropriate, right? To say she loved it would be a bit of an understatement. We both loved it, actually. I am dying to see it again. And I may or may not have already pre-ordered the DVD from Amazon.

I could do with out another ice storm, but it sure would be nice if we could get at least one snow this year. I know Kennedy would love it!

Bundling up for 10 minutes of checking out the ice. 

Ready to see Frozen. And a sampling of the 800 crafts we did during our home stay. 
We were getting desperate by the time the diaper box castle was made, and then painted, and then decorated. 

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