Kennedy was really looking forward to handing out her valentines to her classmates. She was excited to give her classmates their iPhones and chocolates (which I painstakenly hand trimmed and glued the night before). She also knew we were having pink pancakes with daddy for dinner, so that was pretty exciting, too. When I picked her up she was so happy to give me the valentine she made in class. She was so proud of it that she even let me take her picture after school. She and I went for a frozen yogurt treat before coming home to rest.
My little valentine and I started making dinner before Greg got home and she loved, and I do mean loved, making the pancakes pink. I should note that due to the increased reading of Pinkalicious here, we make everything pink (muffins, milk, etc).
Kennedy of course made everything about Valentine's Day more fun for all of us.
Kennedy said iLikeU with some M&M minis.

Sweet little Valentine.
"Although I keep growing an inch at a time, I will always be your Valentine!" She made this for me and Greg.
My Valentine cook in her pink apron and pink shirt making pink pancakes.
Those are ridiculously cute Valentines.